Category Archives: health

The Ketogenic Diet Introduction

Everyone is talking about ketosis…

Lebron James & Tim Tebow are advocates. Research shows benefits about its help
with obesity and top killers such as diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer.

From athletic performance to disease prevention, all of these things have something significant in common — they’re all rooted in insulin resistance.

Learn the Keto basics in this podcast.

The Chiro Way

Learn how to think like a chiropractor. True health comes from the cells of your body regenerating, repairing and healing. The beauty of chiropractic care is that it does not add stuff into your body, and it does not remove body parts either. Learn how we work with the body to ignite health from inside out, the natural, effective way.

Inside Out

True health comes from within your body. We talk about how this contradicts an outside in pharmaceutical approach to sick care.

Innate Intelligence

Chiropractors have long recognized that your body has the ability to run itself and heal without conscious thought. This innate intelligence is transmitted over your central nervous system. This episode goes through examples of your body’s innate intelligence at work.